How to turn your iPhone into a white noise machine for babies Try not to use a white noise machine for every sleep.Turn the white noise off once your baby is asleep.

In addition, it's worth bearing in mind that babies could become reliant on white noise and therefore will be unable to sleep if they are in a situation where a white noise machine is not available. Prolonged exposure to these sound levels could damage auditory development, and the researchers therefore recommended that white noise machines should be placed at least 7 feet away (200 cm) from your baby and the volume should not be set to maximum. A 2014 study tested 14 different white noise machines designed for babies and found that all exceeded recommended noise limits for infants in hospital nurseries (50dB). However, since then there have been a number of other studies which are less positive about the effects of white noise. For example, one early study found that white noise was helpful in assisting babies aged between two and seven days fall asleep. There is some research to suggest that white noise is effective in inducing sleep. Do white noise machines work? The science You might find that your baby falls asleep faster with white noise playing, or that it helps to block out other sounds - such as older siblings who no longer nap in the day.Īnd while white noise machines for babies can retail from anywhere between £15 to £60, you might already have what you need on your iPhone. If you're a parent with a new born baby, white noise could be they key to getting some precious shut-eye while your baby sleeps. It is for this reason that you might hear white noise being used in doctor's offices, to keep sessions private, and research suggests that the ability of white noise to mask disruptive sounds helps people sleep. See all weight loss and exercise features.Child development stages: Ages 0-16 years.See all conception & fertility features.Fines for taking children out of school.